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Current Month's Best Electional Astrology Day
Monday, February 24, 2025
Moon in Capricorn
Final aspect sextile Neptune
We are approaching a time when Pluto will be in early Aquarius, Neptune and Saturn will be in early Aries, Saturn will be in early Aries, and later this summer, Uranus will cross into Gemini. The movement of the outer planets into new signs is a game changer after so many years in late degree in Cardinal (Pluto in Capricorn), Fixed (Uranus in Taurus), and Mutable signs (Neptune and Saturn in Pisces). Unfortunately, we are not there yet, but we are getting there soon!
On this day, the Moon in Capricorn will sextile Mercury in Pisces. Be forewarned that this can mean you are dealing with someone who is not very bright, or is not well-informed. On the bright side, this might work to your advantage. The Moon in Capricorn represents someone who isn't always on the up and up, so don't feel like you need to correct inaccuracies, but be aware, they do exist.
Next the Moon will sextile Saturn, which might represent an authority figure, teacher, elder, or the individual making an important decision relative to your goals. The fact that the Moon moves to trine Uranus next, shows you can change this person's mind and the course of events.
The Moon's final aspect sextile to Neptune in rulership Pisces indicates that win-win situations are the best conclusion for all those involved. Share the wealth of good fortune. How you end up is more important than how you get there.