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Astrology and Mysticism Newsletter

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What's Happening in the Sky?

  • TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE 4/8 at 19 Aries

  • Exalted Aries Sun enters Taurus 4/19

  • Mercury in Aries turns retrograde 4/1

  • Exalted Pisces Venus enters Aries detriment 4/5

  • Mars in Pisces

  • Jupiter in Taurus

  • Saturn in Pisces

  • Uranus in Taurus fall

  • Neptune in Pisces rulership

  • Pluto in Aquarius

Astrology Articles

  1. Best Electional Day -Venus, Sun, Uranus, and Jupiter are all in Taurus. This can be a very fortuitous grouping that you can use to your advantage. Put this group in the chart area you are most interested in such as career, relationships, home, etc.

  2. Online Electional Astrology Course for The Astrology University - This month, I will be teaching a class on Electional Astrology for the Astrology University. The course includes video lessons plus two live Q & A sessions in April. Follow the link to see the syllabus describing all the information I will present using successful charts. 

  3. Mars in the Solar Return 4th house - Plan a do-it-yourself home improvement project even if you are not handy. If working from home, have a separate, designated workspace, not the kitchen table. Organization is key.

  4. The Next Star of David  will occur October 28, 2024. The Sun is the apex of a T-square with Pluto and Mars. That is never good news in regard to world events.


Mysticism Articles

  1. What is Mysticism? Twelve Signs you are One!

  2. Mystical Experience - In Sufism, Judaism, & Christianity - This is a sacred time of year for Christians (Easter), Jews (Passover), and Muslims (Ramadan). There are mystics in every religion. In this video, a Benedictine monk, a Jewish Rabbi, and a Sufi teacher speak about how we all have mystical experiences whether we recognize them or not.

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