Stars of David Introduction
A Natal Chart Star of David
The Most Recent Star of David
The Next Star of David
1990, 1992, 1995, 1996. 1998, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2020, 2023
The Astrology of the 1995 Star of David
This Star of David was not totally an earth-water Star. Mars in an air sign. Starting here and looking into the future, Stars of David move more towards fire and air. The acceleration of learning was beginning, (fire and air elements burn and move much faster than earth and water). This chart is a very simple and concentrated one. The T-square of the 1990 chart and the Grand Cross of the 1992 chart are gone and the majority of the planets are in the Star of David configuration. Jupiter is the notable exception. It hangs outside the Star pattern. Jupiter rules justice. Nationally and globally individuals acted outside of what is just. Mars is in zero degrees having just refranated from the sign of Virgo into Libra. Mars is in detriment in Libra and this seemed to indicate that as a people and a world community, we would no longer tolerate war.
Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated.
Deadly gas was released in a Japanese subway.
Susan Smith was convicted of killing her children.
Terrorist McVey bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City.
The Unabomber was finally captured.
Justice was blind when O. J. Simpson was found not guilty.
Bosnia and Northern Ireland began the peace process.
The first benefit concert to free Tibet took place.