Stars of David Introduction
A Natal Chart Star of David
The Most Recent Star of David
The Next Star of David
1990, 1992, 1995, 1996. 1998, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2020, 2023
The Astrology of the 1992 Star of David
This Star was also an earth-water Star. The process of manifestation and cleansing continues. One of the notable aspects of this chart is that Venus is unaspected. Venus was highly aspected in the first Star of David indicating the importance of relationships in the sensitization and integration process. This switch in the prominence of Venus seemed to indicate that something was wrong in the way we relate to one another. Cleansing continues and unsupportive relationships fall away.
Prince Charles and Princess Diana separated in 1992.
Amy Fischer shot Mary Jo Buttafuoco. Mary Jo stood by her husband Joey though few could understand why.
Mike Tyson is convicted of rape.
Lorena Bobbitt cuts off her husband’s penis.
President Clinton was running for office in 1992 and his fidelity to his wife Hillary was a topic on the campaign trail.
Venus unaspected is also linked to finances and the country was in a recession at this time. There was a movement to leave high paying jobs to follow a spiritual path or a more fulfilling career.
A major characteristic of this chart is the Grand Cross in fixed signs with Pluto, Saturn, Mars, and Mercury. This indicates difficulties in communication. Anger spoke louder than words.
There was a standoff at a religious compound in Waco, Texas, a fire ensued resulting in many deaths (April 1993).
President Clinton came into office early in 1993 and he and Hillary tried to create a national health plan. There was a lot of backlash to “President Hillary’s plan” and it never went through. She was silenced.