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Heart Journey, a Spiritual Path

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Are You Feeling Stuck?

During the Winter months, life tends to slow down, especially if you live in the colder areas. You wait for Spring to start doing things. When the snowdrops bloom and the crocuses emerge, you feel a surge, but how to get started?

Desire is the root of the simplest things. Start small and with tasks that are manageable whether indoors or outdoors. What needs to be upgraded? What needs to be repaired? You might feel that mundane issues and tasks have no effect on spiritual growth, but that is not true. Everything works for the higher good. Movement is movement and leads to flow in other areas of your life. Do not expect to have great momentum as you start out. A clearer vision and forward movement will emerge with time.

I recently watched a video about good stress and bad stress. The claim was that good stress is healthy while bad stress is not. Good stress comes from a challenge like studying a new language, practicing a musical instrument, taking a continuing education course, learning a new computer program, or cooking dishes from a different cuisine. You are using your brain in expanding ways.

Bad stress comes from worry, trauma, deadlines, disappointments, basic needs challenges, and difficult to manage situations. These hardships can exist in anyone's life at any one time.

As you emerge from the Winter, good stress coupled with desire gets you moving.

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