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Heart Journey, a Spiritual Path

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Mystical Hawaiian Journey

Mental Constructs to Open-Mindedness

On my first trip to Hawaii, there was a particular heiau my friend and I wanted to see. A heiau is a Hawaiian place of healing made from stones. We were not sure exactly where this heiau was. The guidebook was not specific, so when we got to the area, we asked several people in the nearest town. Everyone said they had no idea where the heiau was or how to get to it. Since the heiau was well-known, we suspected that we were not being given directions for a reason.

We went on our instincts anyway, following God whispers, "turn left, then right, down the road a stretch, now another turn," etc., and eventually came to a place with numerous Hawaiian "keep out" signs. We thought this might be the place, but did not want to intrude without permission. We had no idea how to get permission, so we reluctantly turned around and began to drive home. Less than a minute down the road we saw a woman mowing her lawn. I felt drawn to stop and ask one more time for directions to the heiau. The woman came over to the car and told us that the heiau was not a tourist attraction. It was considered a sacred site for ceremony only and declared off limits by the local kahuna.

We had spent several days with a kahuna on a different Hawaiian island. When we told the Oahu kahuna we were interested in seeing this particular heiau, she gave us a hand-written introduction on the back of her business card. We showed this to the woman and indicated that we had come with a lei and sweet potato as an offering. To our surprise, she replied that she knew who to ask for permission. She could make no promises, but if we did not mind waiting, she would go in the house and call.

We remained in the car, but no sooner had the woman entered the house when we were scanned. Neither of us that ever had this experience before, but we both recognized it simultaneously. A slight radiation feeling started at the top of our heads and slowly descended to our feet, then rose back to our heads. We knew the local kahuna had just looked us over etherically to check us out. Within seconds the woman came back out of the house, gave us directions, and told us the name of the kahuna granting permission. We returned to the keep out signs, parked the car, and walked in.

We were not given directions on where to find the heiau once we were on the property, but again we followed God whispers. Within ten minutes and without much wandering, we arrived at a lava path. My friend immediately took off her shoes and continued on barefoot though the lava rocks were very sharp. She felt it was important for her to do this. I kept my shoes on. The path ended at a huge heiau and just as we got there the owner of the property came out of the entrance and said we were trespassing on sacred grounds. We mentioned the local kahuna by name and said we had been given permission. The owner looked at my friend with the offerings and bare feet and said, "I see you have come in the sacred way." She stepped aside and let us pass.

My friend entered the heiau, I never did. Just as I approached the doorway, the thought voice said I was not to enter. I obeyed even after all we had been through. Maybe it was the shoes. Maybe it was just not my path. In any case, I remained outside. When my friend emerged crying, I half carried her back along the sharp lava path. To this day, I have never seen that heiau though I have been in the area several times.

Your moment-to-moment experience and direct communication with God are invaluable learning tools. The process of going with what is arising and staying in close contact with your co-creative Partner is essential to the evolution of mystical intelligence and spiritual development. Mystical moments will only emerge when you stay open minded without restrictions, conditions, or preconceived expectations of what should or should not be happening and what it might mean.


Excerpt from Heart Journey

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