Mary Shea Astrology
Mary Juno Mysticism

Mary Fortier Shea, M.A. Counseling Psychology, is a life-long student of Astrology and Mysticism. Astrology is a language fostering insight. Mysticism is a branch of spirituality related to wisdom gained from a direct relationship and co-creative partnership with God. Both astrology and mysticism nurture personal growth by integrating psychological concepts with spiritual principles. They give clarity to life purpose while harmonizing the body, heart, and mind. Though astrological writings are under the name Mary Shea and mystical writings are under the pen name, Mary Juno, the goal is the same: heart-felt, joyful, conscious living.
Mary is a teacher, writer, lay mystic, and spiritual midwife. She offers tools that improve relationships, generate abundance in all its forms, and promote physical healing, right livelihood, and enlightened guidance. It is her hope that the services and educational material on this site will lead you to a greater understanding of yourself, your path, and Higher Consciousness.

Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers
National Council of Geocosmic Research - Level IV Certification